Alternative livelihoods such as beekeeping are essential to uplifting communities while protecting forests.
Alternative livelihoods such as beekeeping can uplift communities while protecting forests. | Credit: Ami Vitale for BOMA

Editor’s Pick: Climate Finance Resources

By Jamie Schoshinski

Mobilizing climate finance is one of the six targets in USAID’s Climate Strategy. The Agency aims to mobilize $150 billion in public and private finance for climate by 2030 to help meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, including limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To reach this target, USAID is leveraging private sector partnerships, increasing access to multilateral funding, and collaborating with implementing partners to support innovative climate finance instruments. For more information and tools related to climate finance, check out the following resources. 

USAID Progress on Climate Finance

To address the funding gap in climate finance, USAID has launched or joined a variety of efforts across the U.S. Government and with private sector partners, including the President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience, the Climate Finance for Development Accelerator, and a pledge at the Climate Leaders Summit in April 2021. This resource explores five key barriers to securing finance and how USAID plans to overcome them. 

Gender Equality and Climate Finance Technical Brief

Women and girls are disproportionately affected by natural and climate disasters when compared to their male counterparts. Climate finance offers a pathway to achieve equitable climate action and support a transition to a low-carbon future, but climate finance to date has been gender-neutral, failing to capture the specific roles and needs of women and girls. This brief offers examples of gender-responsive climate finance strategies and how to implement them, along with examples of USAID climate finance programs.

USAID Climate Strategy Webinar Series: Climate Finance 

As part of the release of USAID’s 2022-2030 Climate Strategy, Climatelinks hosted a webinar on climate finance as part of the Deep Dive Webinar Series. The event was monitored by a USAID climate finance expert and featured representatives from Green Invest Asia, Dalberg, SVX, and KOIS. The recording provides information on how USAID is working to increase the flow of and equitable access to finance to support climate adaptation and mitigation, improve climate-resilient infrastructure and agriculture, create green jobs, and transition to a resilient net-zero economy.

Green Bonds Accelerate India’s Transition to a High-Performing, Low-Emission, Energy-Secure Economy

Green bonds are used to finance environmentally friendly projects like renewable energy by offering substantial upfront capital with long-term manageable repayments. Access to scalable, long-term, low-cost debt capital from institutional investors is critical for India to reach its renewable energy goals. To address the investment gap in the Indian market, USAID helped introduce green bonds. 

Mobilizing Climate Finance for Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Investments: A Primer for Integration into USAID Energy Sector Activities

USAID engaged the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory to conduct a short-term assessment of potential areas where the Agency could strengthen its climate finance for clean energy programming. This document, which includes the findings of that analysis, aims to assist USAID staff in identifying opportunities for designing new interventions that integrate climate finance into their existing or planned energy sector programming. 

Explore additional Climate Finance resources on Climatelinks.

Strategic Objective
Adaptation, Integration, Mitigation
Adaptation, Agriculture, Climate Change Integration, Climate Finance, Climate/Environmental Justice, Climate Strategy, Climate Finance and Economic Growth, Clean or Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Gender and Social Inclusion, Green Jobs, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, Partnership, Private Sector Engagement, Resilience, Climate Change Courses

Jamie Schoshinski

Jamie Schoshinski is a Program Associate with Environmental Incentives, primarily supporting USAID’s Advancing Capacity for the Environment (ACE) project as a Climatelinks Content and Social Media Manager. Jamie has a Master’s in Environmental Policy from American University and a BA in English and Political Science from Temple University. 


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