New Tool Available - Financing the Climate-Health Nexus


The new Financing the Climate-Health Nexus Tool from the Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessment (ATLAS) project summarizes available sources of funding that are the most relevant and feasible for financing initiatives addressing climate risks to human health. The tool is accompanied by a step-by-step Financing the Climate-Health Nexus Reference Guide to help governments identify funding mechanisms to identify, address and prevent the health risks posed by climate variability and change.

Developing country national governments, principally national health ministries in sub-Saharan Africa, public health care professionals, and health sector development practitioners will find these resources useful. The reference guide includes an overview of the funding landscape, resources for accessing funding, and case studies that offer insights on how to build climate-resilient health systems in practice.

The tool includes the following information:

  • Descriptive overviews of climate and health-focused funding sources
  • Methods of support
  • Eligibility
  • Potential funding opportunities
  • Key resources and relevant links to access each fund
Strategic Objective
Adaptation, Climate Finance, Climate Science, Health


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