Fishers gather in their boats on the Sre Ambel River, Cambodia, to discuss the day’s success
Fishers gather in their boats on the Sre Ambel River, Cambodia, to discuss the day’s success. | USAID Flickr, Chum Chakriya, Wildlife Conservation Society

From Plan to Action: Meeting Global Climate Commitments in Africa and Asia

By Funke Aderonmu

Climate change threatens to roll back hunger and poverty reduction gains while exacerbating existing vulnerabilities from conflict and crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, many African and Asian countries have developed Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). NDCs are voluntary commitments countries make to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change. NAPs provide additional details on a country’s plan to adapt to climate change and integrate adaptation into its existing policies and programs. NAPs are developed through a country-driven process that employs gender-sensitive, participatory, and transparent approaches. To date, 52 African countries and about 20 Asian countries have submitted NDCs, while about two dozen countries in total have submitted NAPs. 

Although many countries have demonstrated leadership in developing NDCs and NAPs, implementing these plans and commitments remains a major challenge. Successful implementation will require: a) strengthened capacity and national coordination to transform global commitments into action; b) greater data and evidence generation to inform policy, programs, and track progress; c) action plans that reflect local contexts and are inclusive of marginalized groups; and d) technical and financial resources to fuel implementation. 

In light of these challenges, USAID has invested in supporting countries with NDC/NAPs and in collaboration with the African Union Commission and regional partners, established the Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI), which will help partner countries in Africa and Asia effectively implement their NDCs/NAPs.

Launched at COP 26, CACCI will support developing countries in fulfilling climate commitments outlined in their NDCs and NAPs. Through CACCI-Africa, USAID is partnering with two leading African research institutes, Akademiya2063 and the Regional Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes (ReNAPRI), to help address knowledge gaps and facilitate effective implementation of NDCs and NAPs. In particular, Akademiya2063 and ReNAPRI will support partner countries by building the capacities needed for effective implementation, tracking, and reporting and mobilizing tools and expertise for better data, analytics, coordination, and mutual accountability at the country level. These activities will ultimately strengthen policy, institutional, and human capacity development toward obtaining net zero emissions in Africa and ensuring sustainable food security for 500 million Africans. CACCI will be piloted in 2-4 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa with the goal of expanding to 25 countries within 5 years. Although CACCI is a new initiative, its objectives align with the African Union’s own climate agenda, specifically the Green Recovery Action Plan, and the strides many African nations have already made to advance their climate commitments.

In Asia, CACCI will work with partner countries to strengthen climate-smart food systems in support of country NAPs and NDCs. Key to this effort will be collaboration with locally-based research institutions to support countries in identifying priorities and options for adaptation and mitigation while strengthening local institutions for effective implementation. Similar to CACCI-Africa, CACCI-Asia will pilot its activities in four countries before expanding across the region. CACCI builds on a history of success by USAID partners under the Feed the Future Policy, Research, Capacity, and Influence (PRCI) Lab in working to strengthen local capacity for policy research, and promoting collaboration and learning in Asia. In this new stage of engagement, CACCI aims to support partner countries not only in implementing and monitoring NDCs and NAPs, but also in generating transformational policies, strengthening capacity, and improving institutional architecture critical to achieve net zero emissions and advance climate resilience in Asia.

To learn more about USAID’s support for global climate commitments, view the recording of the February 9, 2022 webinar,Supporting Countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans.” The event highlighted USAID and U.S. Government support to partner countries in Africa and Asia working to implement NDCs and NAPs under the Paris Climate Agreement.

Strategic Objective
Adaptation, Carbon, Emissions, Low Emission Development, Climate Change Integration, Climate Finance, Climate Risk Management, Climate Science, Conflict and Governance, Development, Food Security, Gender and Social Inclusion, Mitigation, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, Partnership, Poverty, Resilience, Self-Reliance
Africa, Asia
Funke Aderonmu Headshot

Funke Aderonmu

Funke Aderonmu is a program specialist with the USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security in the Office of Policy, Analysis, and Engagement, where she supports reporting, knowledge management, communications, and administrative functions. Previously, she was a policy analyst with the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality, and prior to that, a Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellow with the Congressional Hunger Center, where she engaged in research and advocacy to reduce food insecurity and poverty in the United States. Funke is committed to addressing poverty and promoting shared prosperity on a global scale.

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