By Climatelinks

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Carrie Thompson, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment, USAID - Introduces Climatelinks

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Climatelinks is now live!  We are delighted to offer public access to this global knowledge portal for USAID staff, its implementing partners, and the broader development community. We envision Climatelinks as a platform to connect, support, and grow the capacity of climate change and development practitioners through knowledge sharing. By organizing and curating USAID’s climate change resources and tools, Climatelinks provides a common information base to understand what we know, what we have learned, and where the knowledge gaps are. Climatelinks provides a platform for systematic learning and knowledge sharing that we hope will help identify and refine better climate change and development practices over time.

Climatelinks encompasses over 600 pages of curated content, including 460+ resources, 50+ videos, weekly climate news summaries, project blogs and dozens of events each week occurring around the globe of interest to practitioners.

Learn About Climatelinks

The Climatelinks homepage allows multiple entry points for diving into the portal’s content.  You will notice the thematic organization follows USAID’s strategic objectives and pillars of work, with landing pages for adaptation, clean energy, sustainable landscapes, and integration.

Functional areas of content include USAID’s climate change training program, its monitoring & evaluation work, and a systematic overview of tools that support climate change and development programs or goals.

The Climatelinks library hosts more than 460 custom-curated USAID resources that can be searched and filtered by type, by keywords, by geography, and more.

The blog features weekly news summaries that highlight the major climate stories in mainstream media each week, as well as USAID project posts and other updates.

The Climatelinks events calendar compiles, organizes and presents climate change events from around the globe from an array of sponsors that development practitioners may benefit from either participating in or, minimally, being aware of. 

The interactive map in Climatelinks offers a country or region-specific profile of USAID climate change programs, some climate-related context indicators, and USAID Global Climate Change Initiative funding for Fiscal Year 2015.

The Climatelinks YouTube channel organizes over fifty USAID videos on climate change—from online trainings, to webinars, to project-specific informational videos.

Finally, we are piloting USAID project pages to offer profiles and a project-specific view of specific resources or content. See, for example, the Resources to Advance LEDS Implementation (RALI) page.

Your engagement is critical

We collected valuable feedback from target users during the Climatelinks beta test, and made a number of improvements to the site in response (read more). We appreciate the comments and suggestions from all of the Climatelinks beta testers and will continue working to improve the site. We invite users to submit resources (must be USAID-supported) or any relevant climate change and development events by clicking on the submission buttons at the top right corner of the respective pages. We invite the community to comment on or raise questions about resources, blogs, events, and tools found on Climatelinks (see the comment fields at the bottom of each page). Finally, we invite you to join our Climatelinks mailing list to receive a monthly newsletter.

Your engagement is critical to Climatelinks’ ability to support the community it intends to serve. Indeed, the human network that this platform supports is the ultimate medium through which knowledge is generated, transmitted, refined, and applied to support the important goal that we all share of achieving ever-greater climate change benefits  in  and through development.  

Strategic Objective
Adaptation, Integration, Mitigation
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, Training



Climatelinks is a global knowledge portal for USAID staff, implementing partners, and the broader community working at the intersection of climate change and international development. The portal curates and archives technical guidance and knowledge related to USAID’s work to help countries mitigate and adapt to climate change. 

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More on the Blog

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Three women standing around a clay pot
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