Partnership for Land Use Science (Forest-PLUS)


Country: India
USAID Operating Unit: India Mission
Government of India Partners: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, India
Type of Assistance: Sustainable Forest Management
Period of Activity: 2012-2017
Status: Closed

The Partnership for Land Use Science (Forest-PLUS) helped India reduce deforestation and forest degradation through the development of innovative, locally appropriate tools and approaches for improved ecosystem management of forested landscapes. In so doing it mitigated global climate change. With 300 million people in India directly dependent on forests for their livelihoods and many more people indirectly dependent on the ecosystem services forests provide. Forest-PLUS gave equal weight to tools and approaches that safeguard and enhance the biodiversity, environmental, livelihood and social co-benefits of sound forest management.

Implemented from July 2012 to November 2017, Forest-PLUS focused on:

  1. Developing tools, techniques and methods through scientific exchange and technical collaboration between the United States and India
  2. Testing and deployment of tools and approaches in four pilot landscapes in India
Forest-Plus Resources:

Forest-PLUS overview

Strategies for Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management in India

Training Materials

Resource Books for Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification of Carbon Stocks

Sustainable Harvesting Techniques for Non-timber Forest Products

Additional Forest-PLUS resources

Key themes: adaptation, forest/forestry, indigenous, mitigation, poverty, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation & Degradation (REDD+), sustainable landscapes

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