Overhead view of forests and water bodies in Belarus


At a Glance

The Europe and Eurasia Regional Mission serves Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, North Macedonia, and Serbia.

Moldova's climate is characterized by short, mild winters and long, warm summers, with highly variable rainfall levels and frequent drought-like conditions. With almost 60 percent of the population concentrated in rural areas, agriculture is critically important for livelihoods and the country's food security. Hail, floods, and severe storms threaten the sector, which is already experiencing reduced yields. Rising temperatures increase vulnerabilities to heat stress and disease, both for humans and livestock. Forests play an important role in Moldova's ecosystems and provide fuelwood to rural communities, but forest growth and regeneration is highly sensitive to changes in precipitation and temperature. Moldova's limited groundwater reserves also present vulnerabilities to populations that depend on surface water flows, which are projected to decrease with warming temperatures. Electricity and heat production and transportation drive Moldova's greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate Projections and Impacts

Refer to the Climate Risk Profile (2017) for more information.

Climate Projections

Drought icon
Increased Drought Frequency
Simple icon image of a cloud with rain droplets
Increased Precipitation Unpredictability/Variability
Simple icon image of a thermometer, representing temperature.
Increased Temperature

Key Climate Impact Areas

Simple icon image of a plant, a cow, and a fish, representing agriculture.
Simple icon image of a plant, a cow, and a fish, representing agriculture.
Simple icon image of a wetland, a forest, and a grassland, representing ecosystems.
Forests & Biodiversity
Simple icon image of a cross, representing health.
Human Health
Simple icon image of a drop of liquid, representing water.

Funding & Country Climate Context

USAID Climate Change Funding (2023)



Clean Energy


GAIN Vulnerability


Population (2023)

3.25 Million

GHG Emissions Growth


% Forested Area


Refer to metadata and sources for more details.

Climate Change Information

Climate Risk Profile

Climate Risk Profile: Moldova

Climate Change Risk Profile: Moldova
Climate Risk Profile

Climate Risk Profile: Moldova

Stories from the Area