A man shovels sand in an arid environment.


At a Glance

The West Africa Regional Mission serves Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, and The Gambia.

West Africa’s rich forest and coastal resources are increasingly at risk due to recurrent droughts, rising sea levels and deforestation with large consequences for economic development and food security. To address the region’s vulnerability to climate change and climate-related shocks, USAID is working with countries to improve the management of forests and mangroves, with the twin goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by increasing sequestration and increasing the resilience of the region’s coastal communities and upland systems. Clean energy programming will provide assistance to help eliminate the main obstacles to investment in low emissions development.


Climate Projections and Impacts

Refer to the Climate Risk Profile (2018) for more information.

Climate Projections

Increased/More Frequent Precipitation
Decreased Rainfall in the West, Increased Rainfall in the East
Sea Level Rise
Increased Temperature

Key Climate Impact Areas

Human Health
Urban icon
Urban Areas

Funding & Country Climate Context

USAID Climate Change Funding (2023)


$2.5 Million


$2.5 Million

GAIN Vulnerability


Population (2023)

25.4 Million

GHG Emissions Growth


% Forested Area


Refer to metadata and sources for more details.

Climate Change Information

Niger Photo Gallery

US-Government Global Food Security Strategy 2022-2026 cover page with a smiling woman in a vegetable stall

U.S. Government Global Food Security Strategy

Stories from the Area

Here is a recap of the August ‘Climate Resilience’ theme, including top resources and blogs from the month.
Grace Michel a Women Farmer in Bumsa Borno
The most visited blogs in 2023 offer technical guidance for practitioners, share successful interventions from countries where USAID works, and more.
Niger is highly vulnerable to climate change and regularly experiences extreme weather. Rainfall is unpredictable, as floods give way to extended droughts resulting in unproductive agricultural lands and leading to widespread food insecurity.
The study area is outlined in blue.