A man points at a field of newly planted mangrove seedlings.


At a Glance

The West Africa Regional Mission serves Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, and The Gambia.

West Africa’s rich forest and coastal resources are increasingly at risk due to recurrent droughts, rising sea levels and deforestation with large consequences for economic development and food security. To address the region’s vulnerability to climate change and climate-related shocks, USAID is working with countries to improve the management of forests and mangroves, with the twin goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by increasing sequestration and increasing the resilience of the region’s coastal communities and upland systems. Clean energy programming will provide assistance to help eliminate the main obstacles to investment in low emissions development.

Climate Projections and Impacts

Refer to the Climate Risk Profile (2019) for more information.

Climate Projections

Simple icon image of clouds, rain, and lighting, representing extreme weather events.
Increased Frequency/Intensity of Extreme Weather Events
Simple icon image of waves with arrows pointing up, representing rising sea levels.
Sea Level Rise
Simple icon image of a thermometer, representing temperature.
Increased Temperature

Key Climate Impact Areas

Simple icon image of a plant, a cow, and a fish, representing agriculture.
Simple icon image of a bolt of lightning, representing power.
Simple icon image of a cross, representing health.
Human Health
Urban icon
Urban Areas

Funding & Country Climate Context

USAID Climate Change Funding (2022)


$2 Million

Clean Energy

$2 Million

GAIN Vulnerability


Population (2023)

230.8 Million

GHG Emissions Growth


% Forested Area


Refer to metadata and sources for more details.

Climate Change Information

Climate Risk Profile

Climate Risk Profile: Nigeria

Nigeria Photo Gallery

Nigeria greenhouse gas emissions fact sheet cover page
(GHG) Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factsheet

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factsheet: Nigeria

Stories from the Area

CACCI was launched at COP26 with the goal of identifying promising mitigation and adaptation investment opportunities with private sector partners to help countries meet their climate commitments and strengthen their climate resilience.
A large wind turbine next to a grass field and dirt road
The 2024 Climatelinks Photo Contest captured how communities across the globe are confronting climate change. We received over 300 submissions from the Climatelinks community, representing more than 45 countries.
A group of more than 15 elementary school-aged students line up at a long sink facing each other as they laugh and splash water at each other from a long pipe.
Food insecurity, extreme weather events, and water scarcity – all of which are made worse by climate change – increase the risk that women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals will be put in situations where their health is compromised.
Young girl stands in forest with machete in hand