Three students smile for the camera while they read books.

Saint Lucia

At a Glance

The Eastern and Southern Caribbean Regional Program serves Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, and Suriname.

The geography of the Caribbean makes it vulnerable to Atlantic hurricanes and tropical storms, whose intensity is projected to increase with climate change. Small island communities are also susceptible to salt intrusion into freshwater sources making the region highly vulnerable to rising sea level. USAID’s work in the region aims to raise stakeholder awareness of climate change and facilitate the consideration of climate change in national development planning, the transition to renewable energy, and community preparedness to strengthen the long-term viability of the small island nations in the region.

Climate Projections and Impacts

Refer to the Climate Risk Profile (2018) for more information.

Climate Projections

Simple icon image of clouds, rain, and lighting, representing extreme weather events.
Increased Frequency/Intensity of Extreme Weather Events
Simple icon image of waves with arrows pointing up, representing rising sea levels.
Rising Sea Levels and Increased Incidence of Storm Surge
Simple icon image of a thermometer, representing temperature.
Increased Temperature

Key Climate Impact Areas

Simple icon image of a plant, a cow, and a fish, representing agriculture.
Simple icon image of an island
Simple icon image of an island
Coastal Resources
Simple icon image of a cross, representing health.
Human Health
Simple icon image of a camera
Livelihoods & Tourism
Simple icon image of a drop of liquid, representing water.
Water Resources

Funding & Country Climate Context

USAID Regional Climate Change Funding (2020)


$3 Million


$3 Million

GAIN Vulnerability


Population (2023)


GHG Emissions Growth


% Forested Area


Refer to metadata and sources for more details.

Climate Change Information

ESC Climate Risk Profile_Cover
Climate Risk Profile

Climate Risk Profile: Eastern and Southern Caribbean

ESC Climate Symposium Synthesis Report Cover Image
Technical Report

USAID Eastern and Southern Caribbean Regional Climate Symposium: Synthesis Report

St Lucia Resilience Profile Cover Image
Climate Risk Profile

Saint Lucia Resilience Profile

Stories from the Area

USAID investments in reducing the risks and impacts of climate change—through increasing community resilience, building regional climate science capacity, or providing meteorological equipment—are vital for the countries of the Eastern and Southern Caribbean (ESC).
USAID’s partner, the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, approached Maya Island Air and eventually created a public private partnership to benefit people living throughout the Caribbean.