
At a Glance

Changes in climate pose challenges to Zambia’s ongoing efforts to combat poverty, reduce food insecurity, and sustainably manage natural resources. Despite the country's graduation to low middle-income status, more than half of the country's population live under the poverty line and are most vulnerable to climate impacts and extreme events such as droughts and floods. Along with impacts to livelihoods, the increased frequency and intensity of droughts and floods over the last two decades have also adversely impacted food and water security and energy generation. The land-use change and forestry sector contributed more than half of overall greenhouse gas emissions, followed by the energy, agriculture, waste, and industrial processes sectors.

Climate Projections and Impacts

Refer to the Climate Risk Profile (2016) for more information

Climate Projections

Increased Frequency/Intensity of Extreme Weather Events

Variable Rainfall But Total Averages Decreasing

Increased Temperature

Key Climate Impact Areas





Human Health

Water Resources

Country Climate Context

Population (2023)

20.2 Million

GAIN Vulnerability


GHG Emissions Growth


% Forested Area


Average GHG Emissions Growth due to Deforestation


Funding & Key indicators

USAID Climate Change Funding (2023)


$6.5 Million


$2 Million

Sustainable Landscapes

$4.5 Million

Investment Mobilized for Climate Change Adaptation (USD) (2022)

$20 Million

Investment Mobilized for Sustainable Landscapes (USD) (2022)


Refer to metadata and sources for more details.

Climate Change Information

Climate Risk Profile

Climate Risk Profile: Zambia

Climate Risk Profile

Climate Risk Profile: Southern Africa


Incorporating Land and Resource Governance into Climate Change Programming

Stories from the Area

Today, Zambia is experiencing the worst drought in 20 years. Drought-induced power outages, lasting up to 20 hours a day, impact the quality of care at health facilities.
Man holding a small child in each arm while standing in front of a horse
Food insecurity, extreme weather events, and water scarcity – all of which are made worse by climate change – increase the risk that women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals will be put in situations where their health is compromised.
Young girl stands in forest with machete in hand
Young people from more than 400 universities across 77 countries participate in the YouthMappers network to identify and respond to the needs of their communities.
Group of people kneeling around tree sapling