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Photo of island surrounded by the ocean

Like many island nations highly vulnerable to climate change, Jamaica is developing climate-resilient low emission development strategies (LEDS) that include both mitigation and adaptation actions. Jamaica’s 2013 Climate Change Policy Framework and Action Planwhich builds on the Vision 2030: National Development Plan, outlines the strategies for responding to the impacts and challenges of climate change across key economic sectors.

Through the EC-LEDS program, Jamaica and the U.S. government are taking an integrated approach to clean energy development with a mix of on-the-ground results and environmental policy reform to support Jamaica’s LEDS.

Environmental/Economic Data

Pie chart image entitled, "Jamaica GDP by Sector (2015)," showing: Agriculture 7%, Industry 21%, and Services 72%.

Top Three GHG Emitting Sectors (2012)

  • Energy
  • Land use
  • Agriculture

Source: World Resources Institute

GDP Average Annual Growth Rate (%)

  • 10-year (2006- 2015): 0.1% per year
  • 5-year (2011-2015): 0.7% per year

Source: World Bank


GHG Emission Growth (%)

  • 20-year (1993-2012): -10.0%
  • 5-year (2008-2012): -23.6%

Source: World Resources Institute


Forested Area (% of total land area)

2015: 30.9%

Source: World Bank

Renewable Energy Contribution to Electricity Generation (%)

EC-LEDS Activities

Accomplishments and Progress

Strengthening Forest Management and Conservation Planning. Jamaica, with support from U.S. forestry experts, is creating a National Forest Management and Conservation Plan. The plan will establish framework that mainstreams climate change considerations and has the potential to minimize the impact of disasters and slow onset events related to climate change while also leading to development benefits. Conserving forests helps reduce poverty in local communities, protects valuable natural resources, promotes clean air and water, and can improve production of important global commodities – Ongoing

Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Created and Submitted. With U.S. government support, Jamaica developed and submitted its NDC by conducting an in-depth technical assessment on previous greenhouse gas efforts to develop a new baseline inventory for the energy sector. Jamaica’s Nationally Determined Contribution sets a target to mitigate 1.1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year by 2030, a 7.8% reduction in emissions compared to business as usual. – 2016

Facilitating Solar Market Growth. EC-LEDS program energy experts are teaming with Jamaica’s Office of Utility Regulation to implement policies that support growth in the country’s solar market. Building on the lessons of Jamaica’s Pilot Net-Billing Program, which resulted in 1.38 megawatts of installed solar capacity, the EC-LEDS program is leading peer exchange groups and helping Jamaica refine national net metering and interconnection policies based on best practices from around the world. – Ongoing

Developing Climate Sector Action Plans. The EC-LEDS program is teaming with Jamaica’s Ministry of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change to develop Climate Sector Action Plans for the forestry, waste management, energy, transportation, and finance sectors that will support sector-specific climate-resilient policies and plans. – Ongoing

Strengthening Institutions. The EC-LEDS program is working with Jamaica’s Climate Change Division to facilitate coordination and education of the country’s network of 30 “Climate Focal Points,” representatives from Jamaican key ministries and agencies, on the technical, social, and economic aspects of climate change. - Ongoing

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