Events | Webinar/Presentation

Development impact assessment: Catalyzing NDC and broader climate action in Zambia

Thu,  Oct

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(1:00 pm UTC)

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With support from the USAID Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies (EC-LEDS) program, the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GoZ) is leading stakeholder-driven efforts to explore synergies between development objectives and climate action. Zambia recently demonstrated leadership in this area through assessing development impacts of various mitigation options detailed in the country's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Starting in late 2015, GoZ, the Rural Electrification Authority, and the Center for Energy, Environment and Engineering, Zambia (CEEEZ) also began developing a DIA framework to assess impacts of rural electrification projects.

This webinar will provide a high level overview of the Development Impact Assessment framework, developed by the LEDS GP, and used to support the activities highlighted above in Zambia. The webinar will focus on describing application of the framework in Zambia to support the country’s INDC and various other climate actions, including rural electrification projects. The webinar will conclude with an interactive Q&A session. 


  • Caroline Uriarte, LEDS GP Secretariat 
  • Nancy Serenje – Center for Energy, Environment and Engineering, Zambia (CEEEZ)
  • TBD –  Rural Electrification Authority, Zambia 



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