Events | Webinar/Presentation

Securing the Third Pole: Science, Conservation, and Community Resilience in Asia's High Mountains

Mon,  Oct

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- (8:00 - 9:30 pm UTC)

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Outside of the North and South Poles, the mountains of Asia contain the largest supply of the world’s snow, ice, and permafrost, and have become known as the “Third Pole.” These mountains are home to the headwaters of Asia’s most important rivers, which provide South and Central Asia with drinking water, power, irrigation, and other essential services. But the security of the region is heavily susceptible to the impacts of environmental change, including less predictable water supplies. Protecting these high mountain water sources for all who depend on them requires melding transboundary science, community engagement, and public policy.

Join us on Global Snow Leopard Day to discover the latest science quantifying how much of Asia’s water comes from snow and glaciers, how members of ancient nomadic communities are becoming citizen scientists, and how an unlikely ambassador – the elusive snow leopard – is uniting the 12 countries of its range, including Russia, China, and India, and paving the way for integrated approaches to water and climate security.

Learn more about the two USAID projects featured at the event here:

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