What is the Climate for Development Accelerator (CFDA)?
The Climate Finance for Development Accelerator (referred to as CFDA or “the Accelerator”) is a global USAID-funded climate finance activity that aims to mobilize private finance and private sector actions that support the transition to an equitable and resilient net-zero economy. CFDA aims to mobilize $2.5 billion of additional private and public finance for climate adaptation and mitigation by 2030 by creating incentives and reducing risks for large-scale investments that address the climate finance gap.
What is the Caribbean Climate Investment Program, and what is its relationship with CFDA?
The Caribbean Climate Investment Program (CCIP) is a four-year $20 million activity under CFDA that is led by USAID/Dominican Republic. CCIP aims to unlock private sector investments in renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) technologies, adaptation actions, and natural climate solutions across 14 countries in the region. Investments mobilized under CCIP will contribute to the goal of CFDA to mobilize $2.5 billion in public and private finance for climate adaptation and mitigation by 2030. CCIP’s period of performance is April 2023 to April 2027.
What are the objectives of CCIP, and how will they be achieved?
CCIP has three overarching objectives. They are:
- To provide development services facilitation to private sector partners working with RE AND EE technologies
- To provide access to finance, de-risking instruments, and lending products to climate finance seekers working with RE and EE technologies
- To provide technical and financial support to business, communities, and other entities in developing, scaling, or improving adaptation practices and technologies
CCIP will achieve its objectives by integrating three mechanisms – a project preparation facility (PPF), grants, and on-demand technical assistance – to strengthen the capacity of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and facilitate matchmaking with investors. Importantly, entrepreneurs may receive support from one or more of CCIP’s mechanisms at no cost.
Who is the target beneficiary for CCIP?
CCIP targets SMEs – for profit and not for-profit – that are advancing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects with a focus on those with capital value expenditure of up USD 10 million, primarily within the commercial, industrial, and service sectors. For RE and EE projects, this translates to a distributed energy, non-utility scale system.
What is geographic scope of CCIP?
CCIP’s geographic scope covers 14 countries in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean, including Antigua,
The Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. Entrepreneurs do not need to be registered in a country within CCIP’s geographic scope, but the project for which they are seeking support must directly benefit one or more of them.
What if I have a project that is aligned with CCIP’s objectives and otherwise appears to qualify for support but has a capital expenditure value of more than USD 10 million?
We will consider supporting projects aligned with CCIP’s objectives, geographic scope, and other eligibility requirements but have a capital expenditure value of more than USD 10 million on a case-by-case basis.
How can I connect with the CCIP team?
Entrepreneurs, investors, and other stakeholders may connect with the CCIP team by submitting a requestfor our virtual office hours.
What is the purpose of CCIP’s PPF?
The purpose of CCIP’s PPF is to create a pipeline of climate deals in the region that are ripe for investment. CCIP’s PPF will provide business advisory, investment facilitation, and deal structuring services to at least 40 entrepreneurs with promising climate mitigation and adaptation projects and who are interested in achieving investment-readiness.
Who is implementing CCIP’s PPF?
CCIP’s PPF is implemented by a consortium between the Private Finance Advisory Network - Latin America and the Caribbean (PFAN-LAC), the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), and Innovación Social y Ambiental (ISA).
Where, when, and how do I apply for CCIP’s PPF?
To apply for CCIP’s PPF, please start by reviewing the information provided on the PFAN-LAC website or navigate directly to the project registration form. Applications for CCIP’s PPF will be accepted on a rolling basis. CCIP strongly encourages entrepreneurs to apply as soon as possible, preferablybefore August 1, 2025.
More information about CCIP’s PPF can be found here. If you have questions about the eligibility criteria or application process, you may contact PFAN-LAC.
What types and size of projects are eligible for support under CCIP’s PPF?
CCIP’s PPF supports RE, EE, and climate adaptation projects and ventures that (1) are commercially and technically viable, (2) directly benefit one or more of the countries within CCIP’s geographic scope, and (3) do not meet one or more of the exclusion criteria. Projects or ventures should generally not have capital expenditure value of more than USD 10 million.
What types of entrepreneurs are eligible for support under CCIP’s PPF?
Entrepreneurs with a commercially and technically viable project or venture that will benefit one or more of the countries within CCIP’s geographic scope encouraged to apply. CCIP’s PPF does not offer grants; however, entrepreneurs who are accepted into CCIP’s PPF may still apply separately for grant funding from CCIP. Please refer to CFDA's procurement page for all active solicitations. Entrepreneurs who are currently receiving or previously received support by CCIP or another entity in the region are still welcome to apply to the PPF. This includes but is not limited to grants, advisory services, and technical assistance.
My company is not based in the Caribbean. Can I still apply for CCIP’s PPF?
Yes. CCIP’s PPF will accept applications from entrepreneurs who are not based in the Caribbean; however, the project or business venture must directly benefit one or more of the countries within CCIP’s geographic scope of 14 countries (see Question 6).
Where can I see active solicitations, including grants?
All active solicitations are published on CFDA's procurement page, along with detailed application instructions and templates, minimum eligibility requirements, evaluation criteria, and other relevant information. If no Annual Program Statement (APS) or Request for Applications (RFA) is listed for CCIP, it means that CCIP is not currently accepting grant applications.
What kind of expenses are eligible/ineligible for grant funding?
Please refer to CFDA's procurement page for information on eligible and ineligible expenses for each solicitation. In general, CCIP will not fund construction or infrastructure activities, including the installation of solar PV panels; the purchase of restricted or prohibited goods, such as real property, agricultural commodities, and motor vehicles; and covered telecommunication and video surveillance equipment or services.
It should also be noted that CCIP intends to issue fixed amount awards, a type of grant agreement whereby payment is disbursed upon the receipt and acceptance of pre-defined milestones. CCIP will not fund expenses that have incurred prior/after the life of the grant or that do not have a direct and proportional relationship with the grant objective.
What kind of organizations are eligible/ineligible for grant funding?
Please refer to CFDA's procurement page for information on eligible and ineligible organizations. In general, CCIP can accept applications private Caribbean-based and international organizations (not-for-profit or for-profit) that are piloting or scaling cutting-edge RE, EE, or climate adaptation ventures with a capital expenditure value of up to USD 10 million in one or more of the countries within its geographic scope (see Question 6). Public international organizations and partner government entities (e.g., ministry, agency, or public service provider) are not eligible for funding.
Please note that organizations may only submit one application at a time for any CCIP solicitations. However, organizations that submit a grant application to CCIP are not precluded from other opportunities presented by CFDA or other US Government agencies.