
A large group of women sits under a structure and listens to a speaker.

Gokwe North, Zimbabwe, June 12, 2019.

A meeting of the Kushinga Village Savings and Loan Association group at which the participants (all women) participate in group sharing activities, giving small loans to each other for economic improvement, and support each other with social needs, all of which contribute to group and individual resilience. VSLA groups such as this one are encouraged to invest in activities and resources that are adapted to the changing climate, including drought-resistant agriculture items, animals and agricultural and husbandry techniques. This also crates a type of social cohesion and resiliency that helps the participants adapt as their surroundings change.

Relevant Program: Gokwe North Food Security and Agricultural Response (Go-FAR) Project
Partner Organizations: ADRA, as well as District Government staff and extension officers
Photo Credit: Debra Olson, ADRA

All-women VSLA group

Copyright © 2019 Debra Olson

Country Zimbabwe
Topics Adaptation

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