
Location and date the photo was taken: Amman-Jordan 23 July 2020 Who is depicted in the photo: Carob native seeds What activity is depicted in the photo: Native Carob seeds collected to be sown at one of the nurseries. How the activity addresses climate change: Carob is a native Jordanian tree and an important part of Jordan’s forests. Carob is usually grown for its edible pods, and as an ornamental tree in gardens. The ripe, dried pod is often ground to carob powder, which is used to replace cocoa powder.The restoration of such forests helps mitigate climate change by storing carbon, halting land degradation and fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Additionally, it has an aesthetic side, can assist in poverty alleviation due to its economic return, and in fighting hunger and malnutrition due to its high-value nutritional content. Name of the relevant program receiving USAID support (via Global Climate Change or other funds): N/A Names of partner organizations involved in the program: Watershed and Development Initiative (WADI), Royal Botanic Garden (RBG), and United States Forest Service (USFS)

Carob Seeds

Copyright © 2020 Watershed and Development Initiative-WADI

Country Jordan

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