
Two women kneel in a garden and look at young plants.

In Sumberbrantas Village, Batu City, East Java Province, Indonesia, a group of women farmers organized themselves and named them as Berkah Mandiri Women Farmer Group. Recognizing the group’s potential in improving economic resilience, USAID Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience (Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan - APIK) project collaborates with food security office of Batu City in conducting a series of training on organic farming. The topic of organic farming was selected because the group realizes the health benefits of organic food and also the increasing demand in the local market along with the development of tourism in Batu city.

To Mrs Arik and Mrs Anik, joining the group is beneficial to them. “Our knowledge has definitely improved. We are also very happy to be able to share with other women, to hone our skills in making snacks, as well as to meet household’s demand. For example, we used to buy shallots, now we produce them in the garden. From the group’s business we generate additional income,” they said. By supporting the women farmers group, USAID APIK hopes to strengthen the economic resilience of the community in facing uncertainty.

Photo date: June 5, 2018.

Empowering women to grow organic vegetables at home for food security

Copyright © 2019 USAID APIK

Country Indonesia

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