
This photo is taken on the dated 14 August 2018 from Manikganj, Bangladesh. In  this photo one woman is harvesting jute plants from land. Jute-growing areas of Bangladesh to explore the potential resource use efficiency for economic benefits of selected climate smart practices to marginal landholder farmers. Integrated crop management (ICM) practices as part of climate smart jute farming (CSJF) was practised by 170 randomly selected farmers in six villages. An estimation of cost of adoption, change in fibre yields, net returns and human development index (HDI) before and after ICM interventions was done. The mean HDI value increased by 38.85% and farm income by 31.5%. The net benefits of adaptation to climate smart jute technologies were estimated based on specific adaptation actions. Empirical scientific evidence of the study indicates that the livelihoods of marginal landholders can be improved using new crop varieties, changing planting dates and bringing necessary changes in other variable inputs for line sowing, intercropping, weeding, nutrients, water and retting.

Jute Cultivation

2020 Photo Contest Winner submission_type Winner
Copyright © 2020 Moniruzzaman Sazal

Country Bangladesh

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