
Kailasha and her daughter coping with climate change

Kalasha Rawal is from Sisnari, Surkhet District; she depends on her small farm and community forest. Climate change has made drought and pests worse in Sisnari causing outmigration. Kalasha belongs to a Multiple Use Water System (MUS) developed by iDE through the Anukulan project (2015-19), funded by the UKAID BRACED Climate program. The MUS provides water to 20 disadvantaged families for domestic needs and agriculture from a spring source in the community forest. MUS provides environmental services, and user fees pay a manager to run the system and protect the water source with fencing, plantings, and a recharge pond. Kalasha uses drip, a bamboo greenhouse, and safe Integrated Pest Management (IPM) including yellow sticky traps purchased from a last mile agent trained by Anukulan. The IPM was developed by the USAID IPM Innovation Lab (2016-21). Kalasha, who is from a disadvantaged ethnic group, produced vegetables using MUS water to improve family nutrition and earn $700/year. These earnings enabled her husband to return from India to work with Kalasha and be with their daughter. iDE Nepal developed over 500 MUS for 80,000 people. iDE works with the government to integrate MUS in adaptation plans shifting farmers from risky rainfed agriculture to piped irrigation.

Kailasha - Small Farmer Resilience to Climate Change

Copyright © 2021 Bimala Rai Colavito

Country Nepal

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