
 residents play and fish in the rising flood waters in Vientiane, Laos at sunset.

The USAID-NREL Partnership, in coordination with Clean Power Asia, partnered with the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) to conduct a vulnerability assessment of the Lao PDR power sector. The assessment included a review of climate change related risks as well as vulnerabilities related to technological and human-related threats. At the time of the assessment, the Lao PDR was experiencing severe flooding related to greater than normal rainfall and tropical storms. Impacts from these threats include potential fuel supply shortages for transportation and energy generation, physical infrastructure damage, shifts in energy demand, and disruption of electricity supply to the end user. These disruptions adversely affect critical services and facilities such as hospital services, water treatment, and communications networks. Despite significant infrastructure vulnerability to climate threats, the people of the Lao PDR display incredible resilience. Here, residents play and fish in the rising flood waters in Vientiane, Laos. Learn more about planning a resilient power sector at the Resilient Energy Platform website: Learn more about the power sector vulnerability assessment in this webinar: Photo taken by Sherry Stout, NREL, August 2018.

Power sector resilience action plans tangibly benefit communities

2019 Photo Contest Winner submission_type Winner
Copyright © 2019 Sherry Stout

Country Laos
Topics Disaster Risk Management, Energy

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