
The use of cow-patties/ cow-dung cakes are a rural tradition in India. They are a sustainable fuel material that form part & parcel of the traditional way of village life in India.

Dung cakes, made from the by-products of animal husbandry, are traditionally used as fuel in India for making food in a domestic hearth called a Chulha. They are made by hand by village women & are traditionally made from cow or buffalo dung. One dung cake, on average, gives 2100 KJ worth of energy.

This picture shows rural women who are preparing dung cakes, which will be used in the future to prepare food. In this way, India is running with The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 2030 Agenda to protect the planet. This picture was taken in a village in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Preparing Dung Cakes

Photographer Mr. Sourav Karmakar
Copyright © 2021 Mr. Sourav Karmakar

Country India

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