A man shovels sand in a desert area with sand dunes visible in the background.

In Djetkoram village, Catholic Relief Services is distributing cash as part of a Cash-for-Work project, which is helping people from the local community, as well as those who have recently been displaced by Boko Haram violence in Niger. The majority of displaced people are seeking refuge in local communities, putting a strain on already vulnerable host families coping with the affects of climate change and poverty.

Adam Bassaí, 49 years old, works to prevent fertile land from transforming into desert in September of 2016. He and other community members from the village construct barriers along sand dunes using dried plants. In exchange for this work, they receive cash from CRS in Niger. The cash provides an injection of resources that can be used to address a range of needs. With support from USAID-OFDA, this project is helping more than 6,000 households in Diffa, the region of Niger most affected by Boko Haram violence. The cash distributions are also supported by Global Affairs Canada in partnership with Development and Peace (CARITAS Canada).

Preserving land in Niger

Copyright © 2019 Michael Stulman/Catholic Relief Services

Country Niger
Topics Conflict and Governance

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