Woman on her Fishing Boat Pokhara Nepal – Michael E. Cote

CCRD - Climate Change Resilient Development

CCRD worked in thirty-six countries to enhance climate resilience of developing country populations, assets, and livelihoods through technical assistance, thought leadership, capacity building, tools, and guidance to USAID staff, national governments, and local communities.  The project facilitated integration and mainstreaming of climate considerations into development policy, planning, and implementation.  CCRD developed and tested the Climate-resilient Development Framework and its six annexes for Coastal Resources, Conflict, Governance, Marginal Populations, Vulnerability Assessment, and Water Resources.  The Framework builds on the success of USAID’s 2007 Adaptation Guidance Manual for Development Planning and the 2009 Adapting to Coastal Climate Change Guidebook

CCRD leveraged over $3M in investments, supported thirteen countries in developing of National Adaptation Plans, helped prepare Local Adaptation Plans of Action in Nepal and Peru, created sixty-four risk screening and assessment tools, and provided 94,000 person hours of training.  CCRD also explored emerging climate change adaptation areas through innovative programs such as those featured below.

Project status: COMPLETED.     Banner photo credit: Michael E. Cote, Woman on her Fishing Boat, Pokhara, Nepal.


High Mountain Adaptation Partnership

The High Mountain Adaptation Partnership (HiMAP) is building climate resilience in glacier-dependent areas, including the Andes, the Himalaya-Hindu Kush and Central Asia.  HiMAP was instrumental in creating the first community-based, participatory glacial lake risk reduction project in Nepal including a vulnerability training program, a South-South knowledge exchange and the deployment of an innovative reconnaissance team. 

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Climate Resilient Infrastructure Services

Climate Resilient Infrastructure Services (CRIS) assesses cities’ vulnerability to climate change and advises planners on ways to ensure that vital infrastructure is reliable and sustainable.  This includes helping cities to model flood risk and future storm and weather patterns and harden or design roads, bridges and water services to make them more climate resilient.  CRIS helped Peruvian cities Piura and Trujillo identify climate impacts and adaptation actions, such as reducing the vulnerability of water infrastructure.

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Climate Services Partnership

The Climate Services Partnership is an on-going community of practice aimed at helping countries produce, translate, transfer, and use climate knowledge and information to improve planning, policies, and other decisions that address climate impacts.  The network includes climate information users, providers, donors, and researchers.  Through its activities, members make connections, share knowledge and lessons learned, and create new ways to design and structure effective climate services.

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Support to National Adaptation Planning

National adaptation planning is a critical part of climate resilient development. CCRD partnered with Jamaica, Tanzania and eleven West African countries to support them in developing National Adaptation Plans following USAID's "development first" approach, which helps countries protect development gains despite a changing climate.  CCRD helped countries identify climate risks, adaptation needs, and capacity gaps and then integrate adaptation into their development plans, policies, and programs. 

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Adaptation Partnership

The Adaptation Partnership was a two-year effort to help countries effectively adapt to climate change by catalyzing action and fostering communication among governments, institutions, and other actors engaged in scaling up adaptation initiatives.  It commissioned a review of adaptation activities in twelve sub-regions across Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean.  It spawned the on-going High Mountain Partnership and the Climate Services Partnership, both which facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration.

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The “development first” approach to climate change adaptation has been tested in over 30 countries ranging from Mali to Kazakhstan.

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