CEADIR - Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment and Resilience

CEADIR helped national and subnational governments, the private sector, and civil society make the business and economic case for climate change mitigation and adaptation by planning strategies, investments, and policies. This global project conducted assessments, develops and disseminates tools, and increased capacity for analysis, design, and implementation of clean energy (renewable energy and energy efficiency), sustainable landscapes (natural climate solutions), and adaptation.  It supported Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS), Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and helped mobilize private and public financing.

CEADIR services—to USAID country and regional missions and USAID/Washington—spanned activity scoping; sector studies; cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses (including environmental and health co-benefits); economic modeling payments for environmental services; vulnerability and impact analyses; and training on economics and climate change mitigation and adaptation planning.

CEADIR hosted Navigating the Climate Economy, a monthly discussion series on measuring economic impacts and unlocking financing for clean energy, sustainable landscapes, and adaptation. The funding ceiling was over $20.1 million, including central resources and buy-ins from USAID missions and offices. CEADIR’s period of performance extended to March 2021.


The Emerging Markets for U.S. Smart Grid Suppliers and Investors Forum

Building on the Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Suppliers Forum held in Denver, Colorado, in May 2018, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) supported a follow-on forum in Washington, D.C. on March 12, 2019. The event focused on opportunities for U.S. smart grid, mini-grid, and energy storage suppliers and sources of financing. 

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CEADIR-Climatelinks Webinar Series

In the last half of 2020, Climatelinks and the Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment and Resilience (CEADIR) Activity collaborated on a series of webinars presenting work completed during CEADIR’s final year.

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Financing Opportunities to Diversify Central American Energy Markets

CEADIR trained commercial banks and other financial institutions in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama to take advantage of new market potential and scale up finance for renewable energy and energy efficiency. Through market assessments and targeted technical assistance, CEADIR prepared local financial institutions to develop clean energy lending products.

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The scale of the climate crisis can feel overwhelming. Wondering how you can help in 2022? We pulled together our top tools and trainings for addressing climate change through development work.
CEADIR’s final report contains summaries and links to seven years of assessments, analyses, tools, and training and technical assistance materials on planning, financing, and implementation of clean energy, sustainable landscapes (natural climate solutions), and climate adaptation.
The CEADIR final report provides insights on the role of financial and economic analysis, planning, policy, and finance in clean energy, natural climate solutions, and climate adaptation.
Although half of global mangrove deforestation since 2000 has been in Indonesia, Bintuni Bay and Mimika District have some of the largest intact areas of mangroves in the world. These two areas are also home to many indigenous groups and have special autonomous governance status and exceptional biodiversity.
Mangrove clearing in Indonesia.
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Recommendations for Preparing Distributed Energy Resources Roadmaps and Plans

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CEADIR-Climatelinks Webinar Series