Tending the Garden Together, TFA 2020

Tropical Forest Alliance


Forests are critical to climate change mitigation as well as food and water security and livelihoods. Sourcing of agricultural commodities is a major driver of deforestation and in recent years innovative approaches and partnerships have emerged to stop commodity-driven deforestation.  Tropical Forest Alliance is a global public-private partnership where partners take voluntary actions toward achieving the goal of deforestation-free commodities.
Tropical Forest Alliance uniquely fosters collaboration across actors and sectors based on a growing understanding of the barriers and opportunities linked to deforestation-free supply chains. Partners work together to improve planning and management of tropical forest conservation, land use and tenure, and forest and supply chain monitoring. Tropical Forest Alliance partners also share expertise across sectors and regions, collecting best practices and developing critical resources for stakeholders throughout the supply chain.


USAID is building mutually beneficial partnerships with private sector actors that leverage their respective expertise, assets, technologies, networks and resources to achieve greater development impact.
The Commodities and Forests Agenda 2020 report, launched September 19 by the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 and World Economic Forum, lays out 10 priority areas that company executives, policy-makers and civil society leaders should focus on to accelerate progress in addressing commodity-driven deforestation.

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