CEADIR Series: Unlocking Investment for Mexico's Clean Energy Goals
Mexico adopted ambitious greenhouse gas mitigation goals through its General Law on Climate Change and the Nationally Determined Contribution submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Mexico also adopted landmark legal reforms that are expected to unleash the development of renewable energies and accelerate energy efficiency investments, including a Clean Energy Certificates market and a law on energy transition. On April 12, the CEADIR discussion series explored the linkages between Mexico’s climate change mitigation and clean energy goals.
- Santiago Enriquez, Climate Change and Environmental Specialist for CEADIR, highlighted CEADIR’s research on energy efficiency and greenhouse gas mitigation in Mexico.
- Claudio Alatorre, Lead Climate Change Specialist of the Inter-American Development Bank, discussed opportunities to use climate finance to support clean energy investments in Mexico.
- Lisa Viscidi, Program Director for Energy, Climate Change and Extractive Industries of the Inter-American Dialogue and co-author of Clean Energy Innovation in Latin America, highlighted Mexico’s opportunities to expand clean energy innovation to meet climate change mitigation goals and boost economic growth.
Download presentation: https://ceadirseries.adobeconnect.com/apr2016_presentation/
Check out upcoming CEADIR discussions: https://ceadirseries.adobeconnect.com/admin/show-event-catalog
The Role of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
The evidence review is a comprehensive study of over 500 documents highlighting the diverse roles that agricultural extension and advisory services play in promoting climate resilience in low-income countries to empower smallholder farmers.
The following blogs highlight how USAID programs are using these processes to support a just energy transition.
Rural and conflict-affected communities in Colombia struggle to access a reliable, affordable, and sustainable source of energy, which negatively affects their quality of life and economic prospects.