USAID Adaptation Community Meeting: ADVANCE - Adaptation for Development and Conservation: Lessons learned from the field

On March 16, 2017 the USAID Adaptation Community Meeting hosted Ryan Bartlett from the World Wildlife Fund to discuss the ADVANCE Partnership and lessons learned in creating more useful climate science. ADVANCE was launched in 2015 as a new partnership between WWF and Columbia University’s Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR) with the main goal of providing new ways of generating and integrating climate risk information into conservation and development planning. Through a process known as “co-generating” climate information, ADVANCE team members consult directly with stakeholders through personal, in-country stakeholder consultation and use the latest modeling tools to analyze climate trends and create localized climate projections for WWF project landscapes. This presentation will highlight experiences in Bhutan, Myanmar, Colombia and Kyrgyzstan, focusing on early lessons learned and best practices for improving climate risk information for stakeholders to create maximum usability and uptake at multiple scales.


Ryan Bartlett, Senior Specialist for Climate Resilience at WWF 

With a background in environmental economics and policy and climate change adaptation, Ryan leads WWF’s work in climate risk management. He currently manages the ADVANCE partnership with climate scientists at Columbia University, working to create actionable information from a deluge of often overly complex science to inform WWF’s conservation and sustainable development work around the world. Through engagements in diverse landscapes in Latin America, Central Asia, and South East Asia, ADVANCE is helping WWF and our government partners plan for climate resilience.

This event was organized by the USAID Climate Change Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments (ATLAS) project. All Adaptation Community Meeting webinars can be found here
Strategic Objective
Adaptation, Integration
Adaptation, Climate Change, Climate Risk Management, Climate Science
Asia, Latin America & Caribbean

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