The image of rice fields is starting to be planted with wet rice in the spring crop. The farmers worked hard and had a buffalo as a companion. The terraced fields in Sapa - Vietnam are very beautiful. This season of the year is very suitable for planting wet rice. People have grasped the favorable climate to grow wet rice.

Agriculture and Food Systems

Terraced fields in Sapa, Vietnam preparing to be planted with wet rice.

Agriculture and food systems is one of the most vulnerable sectors to the climate crisis. Shifts in seasonal patterns, including temperature and precipitation, and increased extreme events are having a significant negative impact on agriculture production, livelihoods, and food security. Agriculture and food systems also contribute to climate change from greenhouse gas emissions, such as from livestock, rice paddies, excessive use of fertilizers, and the conversion of forests and other ecosystems to agricultural uses. USAID is developing and scaling climate-smart agriculture practices and approaches to increase or maintain productivity, build resilience, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions in support of the goals in USAID’s Climate Strategy. USAID also supports partner governments in reforming national sectoral and fiscal policy to shift market incentives towards climate-smart agriculture and food systems approaches.

Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Systems
U.S. Government Global Food Security Strategy
Low Emissions Agriculture and Food Systems Development Technical Note
GHG MRV Harmonization Framework Guide

Near-Future Crop Outlook: Ethiopia


GCC Standard Indicator Reporting Templates

By generating income for rural communities, Zimbabwe’s NTFPs offer a market-led approach to boosting climate resilience.
Man smiling, standing in front of net with rosella harvest
In Montes de María, José Ibañez is rebuilding one corner of the forest through beekeeping and the use of cross-pollination to improve the lives of farmers and protect the forests that remain.
A man stands looking at the camera with his hands clasped in front of him
USAID’s Scaling Up Renewable Energy Senegal program works at the intersection of agriculture, water, and energy through its efforts to solarize water pumps.
A man and woman standing on either side of a sign as tall as them in a field