Aaita Sing Pakhrin, a trained mason at work with newly constructed house belonging to Jit Bahadur Thing a project participant. The house is located in Bakaiya-2 in  Nepal and it is built by "ReCoVER" project under the full construction house (FCH) scheme with Catholic Relief Services (CRS).


Quality infrastructure development is a vital pathway to achieve USAID's development results around the world. Progress and prosperity depend on the buildings, transportation, energy, water, and information that USAID programs support. Infrastructure can be designed, built, operated, and maintained to produce lower emissions and less environmental degradation than business-as-usual. In fact, infrastructure can be built to offset the greenhouse gas emissions it produces. For this reason, USAID prioritizes climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable infrastructure that fortifies communities' and systems’ resilience in the face of increasing disasters and negative impacts of climate change–helping to achieve the goals of USAID's Climate Strategy.

Climate Change, Risk, and Resilience in WASH and Agriculture Projects Technical Brief
Engaging the Private Sector in Green Infrastructure Development and Financing

Governance of Infrastructure for Resilience


Neknasi Success Story Video

How USAID’s disaster-resilient construction in Pakistan is keeping children in school amidst devastating floods.
Kids walking into a school building
Our 2024 Photo Contest theme is In Focus: Communities Confronting Climate Change. Submissions will be accepted beginning June 5, 2024 until July 26, 2024.
Climatelinks photo contest header image (no text)
The world is witnessing the highest levels of migration on record, and climate change will increasingly drive this trend. Estimates indicate that by 2050 over 216 million people could move within their countries for climate-related reasons.
Crowded street with people walking alongside line of cars

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