Air Pollution in Bangkok


Cities are on the frontlines of climate change since they are critical to advancing global mitigation targets and are facing adverse climate impacts now. Rapid urbanization is making it difficult for subnational governments to provide equitable and reliable service delivery to all residents. Cities are critical for meeting immediate climate targets and moving countries towards long-term systemic transformation on inclusive and sustainable development. As part of USAID's Climate Strategy, the Agency will expand work in cities to reduce emissions; support adaptation, equity, and inclusion through a just transition; and invest in sustainable land and water management. USAID will support sustainable, resilient, affordable housing, infrastructure, and services in urban areas, including in slums and informal settlements, that are vulnerable to flooding, drought, extreme heat, and other climate risks.

Best Practices in Monitoring and Evaluation of Urban Climate Adaptation: A Literature Review
Engaging the Private Sector in Green Infrastructure Development and Financing
Heat and Urban Environment Issues: Quick Guides
USAID’s Urban Resilience Technical Guidance
Case Study

Reducing Single-Use Plastics Through Social and Behavior Change Research

USAID and the Pakistani Government have acknowledged the critical need to tackle air pollution, recognizing its impact on millions of lives and the overall quality of life.
red ebike in front of red backdrop that says "ezbike"
USAID came to Our Ocean Conference harnessed with two commitments to act on youth engagement totaling more than $4.8 million.
Five people sitting in front of a screen with those on the end looking at the person in the middle who is talking
Our 2024 Photo Contest theme is In Focus: Communities Confronting Climate Change. Submissions will be accepted beginning June 5, 2024 until July 26, 2024.
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